500 lb. & 1,000 lb Club
Considered the “gold standard” of the lifting community, the purpose of the 500 and 1000 Pound Club is to recognize the effort and dedication necessary to achieve membership. Similar to a runner’s marathon, the 500/1000 Pound Club is possible for anyone, but only achieved by the truly committed.
- Join this elite club by performing one repetition of a back squat, bench press, and deadlift. After completion, the total amount of each lift must collectively equal or surpass a total of 500 pounds (female participants only) or 1000 pounds.
- Please email the MWR Fitness Specialist, at heather.p.holcombe.naf@us.navy.mil to request an appointment. Participation is free. All club members will receive a Velcro patch and will have their name posted on the wall of fame.
Rules and Eligibility:
- Open to all DoD and NATO ID cardholders ages 18+ with regular gym access.
- All athletes must complete waiver prior to participation.
- Participants must provide their own spotters (a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5) for bench press and back squat. The fitness staff will not be responsible for spotting lifts.
- The challenge may be completed at the NAS I Fitness Center or NAS II Flight Line Fitness Center, at the discretion of the Fitness Specialist. All lifts must be performed on the same day within a 60-minute time period, with multiple attempts permitted if desired. Participants may retest at any time but must schedule on a different day with adequate advance notice.
- Lifts must be judged by a designated member of the Fitness Staff to obtain credit. The judge is fully authorized to deny membership qualification based on the lifting requirements listed in the International Powerlifting Federation Technical Rulebook guidelines.